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The Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth

di William Wordsworth
Analisi e Commento in inglese:

The first edition of the Lyrical Ballads was published jointly and anonymously by Wordsworth and Coleridge in 1798. Most of the poems were by Wordsworth but Coleridge contributed several including his famous The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, In 1800 the second edition came out with Wordsworth’s name on the title-page and including his famous Preface, and in 1802 a third edition was published. In his Biographia Literaria (1817) Coleridge describes the origin of their book, the nature of their collaboration and their different rules. Wordsworth’s object was “to give the charm of novelty to things of every day” while Coleridge’s was to direct himself to “persons and characters supernatural, or at least romantic” in order to provoke a “suspension of disbelief”. Literary critics dislike these collection because was different from neoclassicism poems so Wordsworth writes a Preface to the Lyrical Ballads that is considered the manifesto of English Romanticism, in which he talks about his poetic choices, why he decided to talk about certain themes, what’s the task of the poet, the topics and the language. Wordsworth was accused to be unpoetic because neoclassicism was still current indeed he broke with the tradition that was the importance of form and language, with high themes and not everyday life, it was a sophisticated language. They follow poetic diction in favour of a high, complex, elaborate language and they use image taken from mythology. The most famous neoclassicism poet is Alexander Pope with his The Rape of the Lock, about a boy who cut and stole a lock (-> trad. ciocca) from a beautiful girl then a war between the two families started because they have nothing to do according to the Pope’s opinion of high society. He is compared to Parini’s Il Giorno, that talks about a boy who have a relaxing breakfast, who help him are nymphs and he has an ideal life of aristocratic. They are both ironic.

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